The Importance of Finding Your Passion

November 20, 2013 — Leave a comment


“You got to love what you do.” Here are 5 ways to help you find you passion in life.

discoveringand claiming something you love to do has an amazing effect on your entire life. It’s like a tiny perfect raindrop landing on a previously smooth, unremarkable expanse of water. The instant the drop arrives, beautiful waves of ever-enlarging rings flow across the entire surface, spreading out virtually to infinity.

Here’s how you can start your search:

Heading-02What are you good at or have a natural aptitude for which you like doing? Or are there things you like to do that you don’t think you are that good at, that other people have complimented you on. Perhaps you even dismissed or rejected their enthusiasm.

Identifying things you love that you are good at is a great way to unearth potential passions. Don’t be concerned if what you love isn’t practical or common. Please note that you do not have to be good at something for it to be qualified as a passion. You don’t have to ever earn a penny of income from it either. Talent can simply be a clue. When it comes to passions, the only thing that matters is that you enjoy them.

Heading-03Are there people doing things that are “frivolous” who annoy you? Take a closer look at that annoyance. Is the truth behind your annoyance that you really wish you could live so freely, that you didn’t have so many serious responsibilities and could be as “immature” as they are?

Heading-04This is probably the simplest way to unearth what pursuits hold the potential to light up your days. Before the grown-ups get to us with their ideas, most of us know exactly who we are and what would make us happiest.

Were you obsessed with horses? Maybe you should head to a dude ranch for your next vacation.

Loved finger painting or drawing? Sign up for an art class.

Sang at the top of your lungs until people begged you to stop? Think about joining a local choir (or starting your own garage band!)


What would you love to spend hours doing, that you never get enough time to do? That’s a passion, and you probably need to do it more than you are.


When you deliberately open yourself to noticing things you might enjoy doing, don’t be afraid of getting it wrong. It’s all an adventure, you’re learning and growing as you go. Happiness research shows that trying new things increases dopamine levels in the brain, contributing to sustained levels of contentment. So try away!

Notice what you love. Notice what makes you feel like a kid. Notice what you long to have more time for.

Make time for these things, whatever you can manage, and watch your life start to change. It’s really magical.

Adapted from

 Pursuing passion, dreams, happiness. Be extraordinary. Carpe Diem. Read now:
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