Maxed Out on Everest

April 14, 2014 — Leave a comment


MountEverest, the tallest mountain in the world, used to be a place that stuck reverence to the people who looked upon it. However, with the use of modern mountain-climbing gears and equipment and advanced and accurate weather forecasting, Mount Everest now seems like just another exotic ‘tourist’ destination for anyone who can afford the time and money to climb it. Ironically, not all who attempt the climb to the top of the world reach there alive, yet many still ignorantly take on the challenge. Below are pictures of the state of affairs on Mount Everest:


Traffic chokes the Hillary Step on May 19, 2012. Some climbers spent as long as two hours at this 40-foot rock wall below the summit, losing body heat. Even so, 234 people reached the top on this day. Four climbers died.


Climbers file past the body of Shriya Shah-Klorfine, a 33-year-old Nepali Canadian who died on May 19. Shah-Klorfine collapsed during her descent from the summit.

Years of garbage clutters Camp IV, left behind by the 4,000 or so climbers who’ve passed through over the past 60 years. Although efforts to control pollution and haul out refuse have seen success at Base Camp, abandoned tents, food waste, empty oxygen bottles and other types of junk continue piling up at higher elevations. Camp IV is at 26,000 feet. 

It’s about time for us to learn to respect and care for what Nature has provided for us!

Information & pictures taken from: (Source)


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