Fighting The Deadly Disease

April 11, 2014 — Leave a comment


itSingapore, the incidence of cancer is growing among both males and females, and the disease remains a leading cause of death, accounting for about 28.5 per cent of all deaths in 2010. A total of 51,657 cases of cancer were diagnosed in Singapore’s resident population between 2006 and 2010 of which 48.6 per cent were male and 51.4 per cent were female.

Lung cancer and breast cancer had the highest mortality rates in males and females respectively. Lung cancer accounted for 28.1 per cent of deaths among males in Singapore and breast cancer accounted for 18 per cent of deaths among females.

Cancer is not a disease that strikes adults or elderly alone. Your personal risk depends on factors such as your age, family history of cancer and your tendency to inherit cancer genes. These are beyond your control. However, there are other risk factors that are within our control. These include our lifestyle, diet, smoking and environmental exposure. Thus, it’s crucial to work to reduce or prevent these risk factors. (Click image to enlarge)

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