From One Tragedy, Tools to Fight the Next

April 7, 2014 — Leave a comment


Thetechnology-loving nation of Japan made good use of its unique innovations and social networks in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that followed. The disaster has continued to spur developments in the country in everything from energy generation, smartphones, transport and emergency response technology.

22-PROTO4-articleLargeCosmo Power

Shoji Tanaka, standing, developed the “Noah” — a pod intended to hold up to four people and withstand a tsunami’s tossing and turning.


22-PROTO2-popupCyberdyne/University of Tsukuba

Yoshiyuki Sankai transformed his Hybrid Assistive Limb, or HAL, so it could aid workers at radiation sites.

22-PROTO1-popupDaniel Acker/Bloomberg News

Burton Inc. is at work on big 3-D displays that would broadcast messages in the air during a disaster. Burton had a display at the International Consumer Electronics Show.

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