Scan & Learn Series • English Comprehension Workbook (Upper Secondary 2023 Syllabus)

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A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one big thing.

Scan & Learn Series • Upper Secondary English Comprehension workbook is the first of its kind. It was written in adherence to the latest GCE “O”-Levels English assessment format and it will prepare you for the comprehension component in your English examination (Paper 2, Section A, B and C).

Syllabus 1184 • New Scheme of Assessment from 2023

This assessment book is a  thoughtfully designed learning experience. The Scan & Learn series has a learning platform built into it. Through this book, students will learn the one important thing necessary for their O-level examination – the skill needed to excel in their English comprehension papers.


The  QR codes on every page are linked to online reading aids and vocabulary banks to help students with the comprehension text and the questions in the book. Books & People has designed the book to allow learning to be engaging and interactive.


The Reading Aids are designed to help students understand the comprehension text, the questions and how to arrive at the answers.

landingpage3These Reading Aids are also easily accessible via any computer.

Simply enter the Title and Page number in the search field and hit enter  (e.g. Fake News Page 051).

landingpage5This book is also designed to empower students to learn many things –  Books & People has curated thematically related ebooks, Kahoot! games, documentaries and many other surprises on its online platform to inspire learning beyond the comprehension texts. There is a treasure trove of invaluable resources that were carefully curated. These curated articles, videos and infographics will encourage deeper reading and deeper learning into the topic featured in the comprehension texts.

This book will be a useful tool for Home-Based Learning, Independent Learning, and classroom discussions.


  • O-Level English examination (Paper 2, Section A, B and C)
  • Syllabus 1184 • New Scheme of Assessment from 2023
  • Level: Upper Secondary
  • There are 10 Comprehension exercises in the book
  • Reading Aids to all 10 exercises are tagged online – these Reading Aids are easily accessible with a mobile phone or computer
  • All exercises are integrated with online resources (articles, videos, infographics, Kahoot! etc.) to facilitate teaching and promote students’ learning
  • All resources curated and written are intended to be edifying, entertaining and educational
  • The answer key is also easily accessible with a mobile QR-code scanner or a computer

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