About the author, Louis Bromfield | Page 156

December 18, 2020 — Leave a comment


Louis Bromfield, (born Dec. 27, 1896, MansfieldOhio, U.S.—died March 18, 1956, Columbus, Ohio), American novelist and essayist.

The son of a farmer, Bromfield studied journalism at Columbia University and was decorated for his service in the French army, which he joined at the outbreak of World War I. After the war, he worked as a music critic in New York City for a few years. After marrying in 1923, he moved to a village north of Paris, where he concentrated on his writing.

During these expatriate years, Bromfield produced his most highly acclaimed novels, including The Green Bay Tree (1924), Possession (1925), and Early Autumn (1926), for which he was awarded the 1926 Pulitzer Prize. Although written in France, these works, along with his best novelA Good Woman (1927), all focused on life in the United States. Each of them dealt with the attempts of individuals to escape the domination of family and tradition.

With the onset of World War II, Bromfield returned to the United States to live and work on his newly acquired farm, Malabar, near Lucas, Ohio. There he continued with his writing, producing Wild is the River (1941), Until the Day Break (1942), Mrs. Parkington (1943), and What Became of Anna Bolton(1944). Little of his later work attained the depth or quality of the novels he wrote in France.


Taken from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-Bromfield

Malabar Farm – America’s Heartland

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