Donating blood can really mean a lot!

November 19, 2020 — Leave a comment

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Your gift of blood means so much

Eight stories of how lives were saved due to the generosity and commitment of our blood donors. They needed blood for different reasons, including childbirth, traffic accident and leukaemia. Without the precious gift of lifeblood, life-saving medical treatments would not be possible.  Find out their stories at



My son has a mom
Having a baby should be one of life’s most joyous experiences, but for me, it was a close and traumatic brush with death. I lost so much blood during delivery that it took many bags of blood before I finally pulled through. I feel really blessed to be here today with my husband, Jeremy, to see our son, Shane, grow into an inquisitive, active and happy boy.


I have a future

When I was younger, I had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and needed chemotherapy and blood transfusions regularly – too many for an 11-year-old boy to remember. But I do remember wondering if I had to live this way for the rest of my life. Fortunately, after 3.5 years of treatment, my condition improved. I’m very thankful for the countless blood donors who saved my life. Because they were there for me yesterday, I’m here today, working hard for a brighter tomorrow.


I survived

My life literally crashed to a standstill when I met with a traffic accident in 1994. It broke numerous bones in my body, fractured my skull, blinded my left eye, tore off my left nostril and inflicted me with permanent amnesia. I lost 1/3 of my blood. If it weren’t for the multiple blood transfusions I received in the hours following my accident, I probably would have died. Today I’’m a regular blood donor because I know how crucial it is for blood to be available at all times. It’s my way of saying thank you and making sure those who need blood have a chance to survive.


I can live my life

I was born with anaemia, which means I need blood transfusions on a regular basis. They’re a part of my life but that doesn’t mean my life has to stand still. I’m still able to graduate from art school, start a rewarding career in advertising, and spend quality time with my family and friends just like everyone else! But my life would be very different if it wasn’]’t for the commitment of regular blood donors. Thanks to them, I’m able to live the life I want. Watch her video here.

​Story 5: ALGENE KOH

I have my daddy

When Daddy was little, he got very sick and was rushed to the hospital so doctors could save him. Mummy told me the doctors couldn’t have helped if they didn’t have blood to give to Daddy. I asked her where they got the blood from and she said from healthy people who gave their blood to those who needed it. Thanks to the people who gave him blood, I have my Daddy.


My heart is still beating

As a child, I learnt the importance of blood donation when my mother needed blood due to a medical condition. I will never forget the anguish and desperation of my father. Once I was old enough, I became a regular donor and gave blood for 24 years. Later, when I had my heart bypass surgery, it was reassuring to know I could rely on dedicated blood donors. I can’t donate anymore but I’’m doing my part by organising community blood-drives and inspiring others to give.

Story 7: WONG JUN DA

I have my brother

It was really hard watching my only younger brother struggle with leukaemia when we were growing up. I saw all the blood transfusions he needed but I couldn’t do anything to help because I was too young to donate blood. However, countless blood donors could and did, and I owe my thanks to them for keeping my brother alive. Today, I’m a regular blood donor because I could be helping someone else’s brother live.


Im able to share the gift of life

Back in 2000, I learnt that my blood-count was extremely low and I had to receive emergency blood transfusions. I was clinging on to hope, not knowing what was in store. But thanks to blood donors, the gift of life was shared with me. And when I recovered, I became a blood donor. These days, I also help to organise mobile blood-drives and motivate my family and friends to donate blood. Because of blood donors, I’m celebrating life today.

Where to Donate Blood?

You can make a blood donation at any blood bank across Singapore or at a community blood donation drive near you!


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